This past year has taught us all to pivot, change, adapt and grow. We are spending more time in our homes, and working harder to create a space we truly love (we spent A LOT of time here after all). You may have started a large renovation project, added wallpaper, added some cute new decorations… but what about your windows and your doors? We spent time sitting in front of them… anxiously awaiting our packages and possibly people watching (No judgement here).
It’s time to give those portals to the world a little more attention... and with that we proudly introduce The Draft Stop. Your one stop shop for all things draft guard and door stopper related. Not only are all of original designs super cute, but they can actually help your energy bill. How you ask? Well, draft guards are made to keep the heat in in the winter and the cold out (where it belongs), and it does the inverse in the summer!
With a variety of sizes, collections, and trend right designs not only are they functional but they add a cute personal touch to your home! From Everyday Classics ™ to slick modern looks there is guaranteed to be the PERFECT pieces for your home. Don’t believe me? Check out our brands for yourself!
powered by Morgan Home Fashions